
Articles 2019


  • Geodesic Spanners for Points on a Polyhedral Terrain
    Abam, M.A., de Berg, M., & Rezaei Seraji M.J., SIAM Journal on Computing 48(6), pp 1796-1810

  • Congestion analysis of unsignalized intersections: The impact of impatience and Markov platooning

    Abhishek, A., Boon, M.A.A., Mandjes, M., & Núñez-Queija, R., European Journal of Operational Research 273(3), pp 1026-1035

  • Generalized gap acceptance models for unsignalized intersections
    Abhishek, A., Boon, M.A.A. & Mandjes, M., Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 89(3), pp 385-409

  • Heavy traffic analysis of a polling model with retrials and glue periods

    Abidini, M.A., Dorsman, J.-L., & Resing, J., Stochastic Models 34(4), pp 464-503

  • Limit laws for self-loops and multiple edges in the configuration model

    Angel, O., van der Hofstad, R. & Holmgren, C., Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 55(3), pp 1509-1530

  • Quantum query algorithms are completely bounded forms

    Arunachalam, S., Briët, J., & Palazuelos, C., SIAM Journal on Computing 48(3), pp 903-925

  • Random walk in cooling random environment: ergodic limits and concentration inequalities

    Avena, L., Chino, Y., da Costa, C. & den Hollander, F., Electronic Journal of Probability 24(38), 35 pp
  • Random walks on dynamic configuration models: a trichotomy

    Avena, L., Güldaş, H., van der Hofstad, R. & den Hollander, F., Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129(9), pp 3360-3375

  • The parabolic Anderson model on the hypercube

    Avena, L., Gün, O. & Hesse, M., Stochastic Processes and their Applications, DOI 10.1016/

  • Random walks in cooling random environments
    Avena, L. & den Hollander, F., In: Sojourns in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics – III. Interacting Particle Systems and Random Walks (ed. V. Sidoravicius), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer, 2019, pp 23–42

  • Full-length de novo viral quasispecies assembly through variation graph construction

    Baaijens, J.A., van der Roest, B., Köster, J., Stougie, L., & Schönhuth, A., Bioinformatics 35(24), pp 5086-5094

  • Shortcuts for the circle

    Bae, S.W., de Berg, M., Cheong, O., Gudmundsson, J. & Levcopoulos, C., Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 79, pp 37-54

  • Complexity of inventory routing problems when routing is easy

    Baller, A.C., van Ee, M., Hoogeboom, M., & Stougie, L., Networks, doi:10.1002/net.21908
  • The interaction light cone of the discrete Bak–Sneppen, contact and other local processes.

    Bannink, T.R., Buhrman, H.M., Gilyén, A.P., & Szegedy, M., Journal of Statistical Physics, 26 p.
  • Switch chain mixing times and triangle counts in simple random graphs with given degrees

    Bannink, T., van der Hofstad, R., Stegehuis, C. & Mateos, J. (ed.), Journal of Complex Networks 7(2), pp 210-225

  • Tight fluctuations of weight-distances in random graphs with infinite-variance degrees

    Baroni, E., van der Hofstad, R. & Komjáthy, J., Journal of Statistical Physics 174(4), pp 906-934

  • Sharpness for inhomogeneous percolation on quasi-transitive graphs

    Beekenkamp, T. & Hulshof, T., Statistics and Probability Letters 152, pp 28-34

  • The homogeneous broadcast problem in narrow and wide strips I: algorithms
    de Berg, M., Bodlaender, H.L. & Kisfaludi-Bak, S., Algorithmica 81(7), pp 2934-2962
  • The homogeneous broadcast problem in narrow and wide strips II: lower bounds
    de Berg, M., Bodlaender, H.L. & Kisfaludi-Bak, S., Algorithmica 81(7), pp 2963-2990
  • Covering many points with a small-area box
    de Berg, M., Cabello, S., Cheong, O., Eppstein, D. & Knauer, C., Journal of Computational Geometry 10(1), pp 207-222

  • Faster DBScan and HDBScan in low-dimensional Euclidean spaces
    de Berg, M., Gunawan, A. & Roeloffzen, M., International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 29(1), pp 21-47

  • The complexity of Dominating set in geometric intersection graphs

    de Berg, M., Kisfaludi-Bak, S. & Woeginger, G., Theoretical Computer Science 769, pp 18-31
  • Fully-dynamic and kinetic conflict-free coloring of intervals with respect to points
    de Berg, M., Leijsen, T., Markovic, A., van Renssen, A., Roeloffzen, M. & Woeginger, G.J., International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 29(1), pp 49-72

  • Dynamic conflict-free colorings in the plane
    de Berg, M. & Markovic, A., Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 78, pp 61-73

  • Heavy-traffic analysis through uniform acceleration of queues with diminishing populations

    Bet, G., van der Hofstad, R. & van Leeuwaarden, J.S.H., Mathematics of Operations Research 44(3), pp 821-864

  • Simple, discrete time stochastic models for wind park power output

    Bhaumik, D., Crommelin, D.T., Kapodistria, S. & Zwart, A.P., IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10(2), pp 533-539

  • Building kidney exchange programmes in Europe – An overview of exchange practice and activities
    Biró, P., Haase-Kromwijk, B., Andersson, T., Ásgeirsson, E.I., Baltesová, T., Boletis, I., Bolotinha, C., Bond, G., Böhmig, G., Burnapp, L., Cechlárová, K., Di Ciaccio, P., Fronek, J., Hadaya, K., Hemke, A., Jacquelinet, C., Johnson, R., Kieszek, R., Kuypers, D., Leishman, R., Macher, M.-A., Manlove, D., Menoudakou, G., Salonen, M., Smeulders, B., Sparacino, V., Spieksma, F., de la Oliva Valentín Muñoz, M., Wilson, N., van de Klundert, J., Transplantation 103, pp 1514-1522

  • Rare event simulation for steadystate probabilities via recurrency cycles
    Bisewski, K., Crommelin, D. & Mandjes, M., Chaos 29(3), [033131]

  • On exploring always-connected temporal graphs of small pathwidth
    Bodlaender, H.L. & van der Zanden, T.C., Information Processing Letters 142, pp 68-71
  • A generalized parallel task model for recurrent real-time processes
    Bonifaci, V., Wiese, A., Baruah, S.K., Marchetti Spaccamela, A., Stiller, S., & Stougie, L., ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing 6(1), 3:1-3:40

  • Pollaczek contour integrals for the fixed-cycle traffic-light queue

    Boon, M., Janssen, A.J.E.M., van Leeuwaarden, J.S.H. & Timmerman, R.W., Queueing Systems 91(1-2), pp 89-111

  • Linear Stochastic Fluid Networks: Rare-Event Simulation and Markov Modulation
    Boxma, O.J., Cahen, E.J., Koops, D., & Mandjes, M., Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 21(1), pp 125–153

  • Infinite-server systems with Coxian arrivals
    Boxma, O., Kella, O. & Mandjes, M., Queueing Systems 92(3-4), pp 233-255

  • Fluid queues with synchronized output

    Boxma, O., Kella, O. & Ravner, L., Operations Research Letters 47(6), pp 629-635

  • The (S−1,S) inventory model and its counterparts in queueing theory

    Boxma, O., Perry, D. & Stadje, W., Operations Research Letters 47(6), pp 483-488
  • Outlaw distributions and locally decodable codes
    Briët, J., Dvir, Z., & Gopi, S., Theory of Computing 15(12), pp 1–24

  • Failure of the trilinear operator space Grothendieck theorem

    Briët, J., & Palazuelos, C., Discrete Analysis, (8)

  • Sparse Selfreducible Sets and Nonuniform Lower Bounds

    Buhrman, H., Torenvliet, L., Unger, F., N Vereshchagin, N., Algorithmica 81(1), pp 179-200

  • Scheduling a non-professional indoor football league: a tabu search based approach
    Van Bulck, D., Goossens, D. & Spieksma, F.C.R., Annals of Operations Research 275(2), pp 715-730

  • Reconfigurable beam system for non-line-of-sight free-space optical communication

    Cao, Z., Zhang, X., Osnabrugge, G., Li, J., Vellekoop, I.M. & Koonen, T., Light: Science and Applications 8(1), [69]

  • Diameter in ultra-small scale-free random graphs

    Caravenna, F., Garavaglia, A. & van der Hofstad, R., Random Structures and Algorithms 54(3), pp 444-498

  • Job assignment in large-scale service systems with affinity relations

    Cardinaels, E., Borst, S.C. & Van Leeuwaarden, J.S.H., Queueing Systems 93 (3-4), pp 227-268

  • Reaction–Diffusion models: From particle systems to SDE’s

    da Costa, C., Freitas Paulo da Costa, B. & Jara, M., Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129(11), pp 4411-4430

  • An optimization approach to adaptive multi-dimensional capital management
    Delsing, G.A., Mandjes, M., Spreij, P.J.C., & Winands, E.M.M., Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 84, pp 87-97

  • Condition-based maintenance policies under imperfect maintenance at scheduled and unscheduled opportunities

    Drent, C., Kapodistria, S. & Resing, J.A.C., Queueing Systems 93(3-4), pp 269-308
  • A Bitcoin-inspired infinite-server model with a random fluid limit
    Frolkova, M. & Mandjes, M., Stochastic Models 35, pp 1-32

  • Subgraphs in preferential attachment models

    Garavaglia, A. & Stegehuis, C., Advances in applied probability 51(3), pp 898-926

  • Synchronization of phase oscillators on the hierarchical lattice

    Garlaschelli, D., den Hollander, F., Meylahn, J.M. & Zeegers, B.P., Journal of Statistical Physics 174(1), pp 188-218

  • Parameter estimation for a discretely observed population process under Markov-modulation
    de Gunst, M., Knapik, B., Mandjes, M., Sollie, B., Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 140, pp 88-103

  • Nonparametric Estimation of Service Time Characteristics in Infinite-Server Queues with Nonstationary Poisson Input
    Goldenshluger, A, Koops, D. , Stochastic Systems 9(3)

  • On the maximum weight minimal separator
    Hanaka, T., Bodlaender, H.L., van der Zanden, T.C. & Ono, H., Theoretical Computer Science 796, pp 294-308
  • Delay-minimizing capacity allocation in an infinite server queueing system

    Hassin, R. & Ravner, L., Stochastic Systems 9(1), pp 27-46

  • Exact asymptotics in an infinite-server system with overdispersed input
    Heemskerk, M., Mandjes, M., Operations Research Letters 47, pp 513-520

  • Exact asymptotics for a multi-timescale model, with applications in modeling overdispersed customer streams
    Heemskerk, M. & Mandjes, M., Stochastic Systems 9, pp 208-230

  • Correction to: Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori II: volume, diameter and mixing time (Probability Theory and Related Fields, (2011), 149, 3-4, pp 397-415)

    Heydenreich, M. & van der Hofstad, R., Probability Theory and Related Fields 175(3-4), pp 1183-1185

  • Large deviations of bivariate Gaussian extrema

    van der Hofstad, R. & Honnappa, H., Queueing Systems 93(3-4), pp 333-349.

  • Component structure of the configuration model: barely supercritical case

    van der Hofstad, R., Janson, S. & Luczak, M., Random Structures and Algorithms 55(1), pp 3-55

  • Properties of additive functionals of Brownian motion with resetting
    den Hollander, F., Majumdar, S.N., Meylahn, J.M. & Touchette, T., Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52(17)
  • Mode- and wavelength-multiplexed transmission with crosstalk mitigation using a single amplified spontaneous emission source

    Huang, Y., Chen, H., Huang, H., Li, Z., Fontaine, N.K., Roland, R.Y. ., Alvarado, J.C., Amezcua-Correa, R., van Weerdenburg, J., Okonkwo, C., Koonen, T., Song, Y. & Wang, M., Photonics Research 7(11), pp 1363-1369

  • Slightly subcritical hypercube percolation

    Hulshof, T. & Nachmias, A., Random Structures and Algorithms 56(2), pp 557-593

  • Computing the chromatic number using graph decompositions via matrix rank

    Jansen, B.M.P. & Nederlof, J., Theoretical Computer Science 795, pp 520-539
  • Optimal data reduction for graph coloring using low-degree polynomials

    Jansen, B.M.P. & Pieterse, A., Algorithmica 81(10), pp 3865-3889

  • Optimal sparsification for some binary CSPs using low-degree polynomials

    Jansen, B.M.P. & Pieterse, A., ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 11(4), [28]

  • Turing kernelization for finding long paths in graph classes excluding a topological minor

    Jansen, B.M.P., Pilipczuk, M. & Wrochna, M., Algorithmica 81(10), pp 3936-3967

  • Lower bounds for protrusion replacement by counting equivalence classes

    Jansen, B.M.P. & Wulms, J.J.H.M., Discrete Applied Mathematics
  • Diffusion limits for networks of Markov-modulated infinite-server queues

    Jansen, H.M., Mandjes, M., De Turck, K., & Wittevrongel, S., Performance Evaluation 135(18), [102039]

  • Counting cliques and cycles in scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs
    Janssen, A.J.E.M., van Leeuwaarden, J.S.H. & Shneer, S., Journal of Statistical Physics 175(1), pp 161-184

  • Discrepancy and large dense monochromatic subsets

    Kang, R.J., Patel, V., & Regts, G., Journal of Combinatorics 10(1), pp 87-109

  • Practical aspects of false alarm control for change point detection: Beyond average run length
    Kuhn, J., Mandjes, M. & Taimre, T., Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 21, pp 25-42

  • A unified Markovian model for multi-class queueing networks and related monotonicity aspects

    Leahu, H., Mandjes, M., Stochastic Systems 9, pp 141-154

  • Economies-of-scale in many-server queueing systems: tutorial and partial review of the Qed Halfin-Whitt heavy-traffic regime

    van Leeuwaarden, J.S.H., Mathijsen, B.W.J. & Zwart, B., SIAM Review 61(3), pp 403-440
  • Cost-efficient half-duplex 10 Gbit/s all-optical indoor optical wireless communication enabled by a low-cost Fabry–Perot laser/photodetector

    Li, C., Zhang, X., Tangdiongga, E., Dai, X., Tsai, C.T., Wang, H Y., Xiang, Y., Lin, G.R., Cao, Z. & Koonen, T., Optics Letters 44(5), pp 1158-1161

  • Introduction to special issue: the IFIP Performance 2018 Conference | editorial
    Mandjes, M. & Robert, P., Queueing Systems 9, pp 205-206

  • Dynamic Erdős-Rényi Graphs

    Mandjes, M., Starreveld, N., Bekker, R., & Spreij, P., Computing and Software Science : State of the Art and Perspectives, pp 123-140

  • Approximations for reflected fractional Brownian motion
    Malsagov, A., Mandjes, M., Physical Review E 100(3), [032120]

  • Performance of large-scale polling systems with branching-type and limited service

    Meyfroyt, T.M.M., Boon, M.A.A., Borst, S.C. & Boxma, O.J., Performance Evaluation 133, pp 1-24

  • Experimental demonstration of mm-Wave 5G NR photonic beamforming based on ORRs and multicore fiber

    Morant, M., Trinidad, A. M., Tangdiongga, E., Koonen, T. & Llorente, R., IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 67(7), pp 2928-2935

  • No-wait scheduling for locks
    Passchyn, W., Briskorn, D. & Spieksma, F.C.R., INFORMS Journal on Computing 31(3), pp 413-428

  • Scheduling parallel batching machines in a sequence
    Passchyn, W. & Spieksma, F.C.R., Journal of Scheduling 22(3), pp 335-357

  • Computing the Number of Induced Copies of a Fixed Graph in a Bounded Degree Graph
    Patel, V. & Regts, G., Algorithmica 81(5), pp 1844–1858
  • Online interval scheduling on two related machines: the power of lookahead
    Pinson, N. & Spieksma, F.C.R., Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 38(1), pp 224-253

  • Improving multipath TCP performance over WiFi and cellular networks: an analytical approach

    Pokhrel, S. & Mandjes, M., IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18, pp 2562-2576

  • A stochastic view on surface inhomogeneity of nanoparticles

    Post, R.A.J., van der Zwaag, D., Bet, G., Wijnands, S.P.W., Albertazzi, L., Meijer, E.W. & van der Hofstad, R., Nature Communications 10(1), [1663]

  • Delta probing policies for redundancy
    Raaijmakers, Y., Borst, S.C. & Boxma, O.J., Performance Evaluation 121, pp 21-35

  • Redundancy scheduling with scaled Bernoulli service requirements

    Raaijmakers, Y., Borst, S.C. & Boxma, O.J., Queueing Systems 93 (1-2), pp 67-82

  • The single server queue with mixing dependencies

    Raaijmakers, Y., Albrecher, H. & Boxma, O.., Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 21(4), pp 1023-1044

  • Estimating the input of a Lévy-driven queue by Poisson sampling of the workload process

    Ravner, L., Boxma, O. & Mandjes, M., Bernoulli 25(4B), pp 3734-3761

  • Polarization equalization in optical vector network analysis for SDM fiber characterization

    Rommel, S., Van Weerdenburg, J., Tafur Monroy, I., Wada, N., Delgado Mendinueta, J.M., Klaus, W., Sakaguchi, J., Vegas Olmos, J.J., Koonen, T., Awaji, Y. & Okonkwo, C., IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31(24), pp 1917-1920

  • The Genetic Diversity of Viruses on a Graphical Map: Discovery of Resistant and Virulent Strains         

    Schönhuth, A., & Stougie, L., ERCIM News 2019, p 118

  • The impact of a network split on cascading failure processes

    Sloothaak, F., Zwart, B. & Borst, S.C., Stochastic Systems 9 (4), pp 392-416

  • Revealed preference theory: an algorithmic outlook
    Smeulders, B., Crama, Y. & Spieksma, F.C.R., European Journal of Operational Research 272(3), pp 803-815

  • Building 5G millimeter-wave wireless infrastructure: wide-scan focal plane arrays with broadband optical beamforming

    Smolders, A., Dubok, A., Tessema, N. M., Chen, Z., Al-Rawi, A., Johannsen, U., Bressner, T., Milosevic, D., Gao, H., Tangdiongga, E., Gerini, G., Baltus, P.G.M., Geurts, M. & Koonen, T., IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 61(2), pp 53-62

  • Diffusion Limits for a Markov Modulated Binomial Counting Process
    Spreij, P., & Storm, P.J., Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, pp 1-23
  • Variational principle for scale-free network motifs

    Stegehuis, C., van der Hofstad, R. & van Leeuwaarden, J.S H., Scientific Reports 9(1), [6762]

  • Scale-free network clustering in hyperbolic and other random graphs

    Stegehuis, C., van der Hofstad, R. & van Leeuwaarden, J.S.H.,  Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52(29), [295101]
  • The sport teams grouping problem
    Toffolo, T., Christiaens, J., Spieksma, F.C.R. & Vanden Berghe, G., Annals of Operations Research 275(1), pp 223-243

  • A new model for overlapping communities with arbitrary internal structure

    Vadon, V., Komjáthy, J. & van der Hofstad, R., Applied Network Science 4(1), [42]

  • Scale-free networks well done
    Voitalov, I., van der Hoorn, P., van der Hofstad, R. & Krioukov, D., Physical Review Research 1, [033034]

  • Enhanced modal dispersion estimation enabled by chromatic dispersion compensation in optical vector network analysis

    van Weerdenburg, J., Rommel, S., Mendinueta, J.M.D., Klaus, W., Sakaguchi, J., Vegas Olmos, J.J., Koonen, T., Awaji, Y., Monroy, I. T., Okonkwo, C. & Wada, N., Journal of Lightwave Technology 37(16), pp 4001-4007

  • Reflecting AWG by using photonic crystal reflector on Indium-phosphide membrane on silicon platform

    Zhang, X., van Engelen, J., Reniers, S., Cao, Z., Jiao, Y. & Koonen, T., IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31(13), pp 1041-1044

  • Crosstalk-mitigated AWGR-based two-dimensional IR beam-steered indoor optical wireless communication system with a high spatial resolution

    Zhang, X., Li, C., Jiao, Y., Tangdiongga, E., Liu, Y., Cao, Z. & Koonen, T., Journal of Lightwave Technology 37(15), pp 3713-3720
  • Complexity-adjustable SC decoding of polar codes for energy consumption reduction

    Zheng, H., Chen, B., Abanto-Leon, L. F., Cao, Z. & Koonen, T., IET Communications 13(14), pp 2088-2096

  • Inter-frame polar coding with dynamic frozen bits

    Zheng, H., Hashemi, S. A., Chen, B., Cao, Z. & Koonen, T., IEEE Communications Letters 23(9), pp 1462-1465

  • A multifunctional photonic integrated circuit for diverse microwave signal generation, transmission and processing

    Zou, X., Zou, F., Cao, Z., Lu, B., Yan, X., Yu, G., Deng, X., Luo, B., Yan, L., Pan, W., Yao, J. & Koonen, T., Laser & Photonics reviews 13(6), [1800240]

·  Sparse Selfreducible Sets and Nonuniform Lower Bounds
Buhrman, H., Torenvliet, L., Unger, F., N Vereshchagin, N., Algorithmica 81(1), pp 179-200