Treewidth and reduction algorithms
Bodlaender, H.L., NWO-JSPS Seminar, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 14 September 2018
Scalable Load Balancing in Networked Systems
Borst, S.C., Stochastic Networks 2018 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 24 June 2018Borst, S.C., International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 August 2018
Failure of the trilinear operator space Grothendieck inequality
Briët, J., TU Delft analysis seminar, October 2018, Delft, The Netherlands
On nonlocal games with near-perfect quantum strategies
Buhrman, H., Workshop on Quantum Algorithms and Complexity Theory (WQACT 2018), Singapore, 28 February 2018Quantum Computers and the Quantum Revolution
Buhrman, H., NMC Veldhoven, The Netherlands, April 2018
Quantum software with an application to position-based cryptography
Buhrman, H., Prague Computer Science Seminar, Czech Republic, 24 May 2018
Non-local Games with Near Perfect Quantum Strategies
Buhrman, H., Seefeld Quantum Information Workshop, Austria, 1 July 2018
Quantum Computers and the Quantum revolution
Buhrman, H., AMOLF Coloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 September 2018
Quantum Computers and Quantum Software
Buhrman, H., RISE Multicore Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, 26 November 2018The structure of complex networks: small-world and scale-free random graphs
van der Hofstad, R., Prestige Lecture on Science of Information Purdue University, April 23, 2018
Network Analysis
van der Hofstad, R., Lecture for TopQuants, 27 September 2018
Kapodistria, S., General Mathematics Colloquium, Korteweg-De Vries Instituut voor Wiskunde (KdVI), 2018
Some queueing problems motivated from road traffic modelling
Núñez-Queija, R., Mini-Symposium on Performance Analysis of Markov Processes, Universiteit Twente, 20 September 2018
On \vartheta and \Theta
Schrijver, L., Eötvös Loránd University, 4 July 2018, Budapest, HungaryOn the Shannon capacity of a graph
Schrijver, L., Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 7 November 2018, Germany
On recent results by Zuiddam and Bukh & Cox on the Shannon capacity
Schrijver, L., Université Diderot, 23 November 2018, Paris, FranceA decomposition theory for vertex enumeration of convex polyhedra
Stougie, L., invited keynote speaker at “Martin Dyer Day and Queen Mary Algorithms Day”, 16 July 2018, London, UK
Full-length de novo viral quasispecies assembly through variation graph construction
Stougie, L., 4th Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Conference, Lunteren, The Netherlands,15 May 2018
Polynomial time vertex enumeration of convex polytopes of bounded branchwidth
Stougie, L., Department of Mathematics, University of Bremen, Germany, 11 September 2018
Polynomial time vertex enumeration of convex polytopes of bounded branchwidth
Stougie, L., Seminar on Algorithmic Enumeration: Output-sensitive, Input-Sensitive, Parameterized, Approximative, Schloss Dagstuhl, 18 October 2018