In February 2020 NETWORKS received a COFUND grant of around €1.5 million euro from the EU Horizon2020 program. With this grant, NETWORKS was able to hire 14 new PhD students in the period 2020-2025. After receiving the COFUND for these 14 PhD positions, NETWORKS has been granted a COFUND grant of €1.0 million to appoint 14 postdoctoral researchers for 2 years early 2021.
The aim of the COFUND program is to strengthen international research collaborations and to improve scientific mobility. Within the program offered there is also a strong emphasis on educating these young researchers.
The projects listed below has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 945045 (PhD students) and grant agreement No 101034253 (postdoctoral fellows).
PhD students
- Bharti - Stochastic Decision Making for Spatial Problems
- Wessel Blomerus - Structured Learning for Stochastic Optimization: Algorithm Design and Convergence
- Shreehari Bodas - Estimation of model primitives based on partial information
- Federico Capannoli - Interacting particle systems on random graphs
- Francisco Escudero - Quantum query complexity
- Purva Joshi - Optimal Routing of Autonomous Vehicles
- Gianluca Kosmella - Modeling and Analysis of Optical Neural Networks across Photon Density Regimes
- Andrés López Martínez - The stability of online algorithms
- Nandan Malhotra - Spectra of Random graphs
- Benedikt Meylahn - The dynamics of trust networks
- Marta Milewska - Understanding superspreading phenomena of epidemics on complex networks
- Rounak Ray - Percolation and Random Walks on Preferential Attachment Models
- Mehmet Akif Yildiz - Extremal, algorithmic, and enumerative problems in graph theory
Haodong Zhu - Statistical mechanics of and on random graphs
Postdoctoral fellows
- Elene Anton Balerdi - Stability and performance of multi-class queueing systems with unknown service rates: A combined scheduling-learning approach
- Fabian Burghart - Covers and Factors beyond Cliques
- Benoît Corsini - Developments on the Configuration Model
- Martin Frohn - A new information theory perspective on network design in phylogenetics and beyond
- Royi Jacobovich - Some new results about an old model: The M/G/1 queue
- Nikolai Kriukov - Multivariate extremes and networks
- Azadeh Parvaneh - The Friendship Paradox for Sparse Random Graphs
- Matteo Quattropani - Voter model and coalescent random walks on random graphs
- Artem Tsikiridis - Network Design for Strategic Environments
- Jiesen Wang - Estimation of on- and off-time distributions in a dynamic Erdos-Renyi random graph
- Max Wötzel - Probabilistic methods to study independent sets in hypergraphs
- Wiktor Zuba - Algorithms on strings and labelled graphs