The University of Amsterdam is the coordinator of NETWORKS. In this role the UvA is responsible for the financial and administrative management of the project.
The Supervisory Board consists of one representative of each Party, being the dean of the involved faculty and with regard to CWI the general director, being:
The Supervisory Board is the Consortium’s supervisory and ultimate decision-making body.
The Scientific Advisory Board is an advisory board to the Research programme in general and will advise the Management Team on the scientific progress of the programme. The members are:
The Management team of Networks consists of six members:
The MT will supervise the overall direction and research quality of the network. The MT pays special attention to the training of young researchers, and to valorization, outreach and workshop organization, with one MT member being responsible for each of these topics. The MT meets at least four times per year and consults via email throughout the year.
Members of the MT in 2014. Top row (l to r): Lex Schrijver, Michel Mandjes, Mark de Berg
Bottom row (l to r): Sem Borst, Remco van der Hofstad, Frank den Hollander
The project team consists of the eleven applicants:
The Programme team is responsible for the implementation of the Management Team’s policy with respect to scientific direction, coherence, and cooperation between the projects and the
monitoring of the progress. The Programme Team meets three times a year to discuss progress and to compare the actual achievement with the goals and deliverables set in the proposal.
NETWORKS is supported by the Networks office, which is hosted by the UvA. The office provides support for the organization of the various activities and for maintaining the website and The Network Pages