O(k)-robust spanners in one dimension
Buchin, K., Hulshof, T., Oláh, D., abstract accepted and presented at the Young Researchers Forum during the Computational Geometry Week, 11-14 June 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Quantumcomputers en de quantumrevolutie
Buhrman, H., Dies Natalis rede, University of Amsterdam, 8 January 2018
Quantum computing: Untangling the hype
Buhrman, H. & Ekert, A., Royal Institution, London, United Kingdom (introduced by Philip Ball (science writer) and the consulate general from the Netherlands in the United Kingdom)QuSoft & Quantum Computing voor natuurkunde leraren
Buhrman, H., Beta plus
Quantum computers en de quantum revolutie
Buhrman, H., NNO domein EW
Quantum Computers and the Quantum Revolution
Buhrman, H., Opening Center for Quantum Materials and Technology in Eindhoven
Quantumrevolutie en Quantumveiligheid
Buhrman, H., KNAW symposium, OBA Amsterdam, 8 November 2018
Quantum Computers and the Quantum Revolution
Buhrman, H., Studium Generale Maastricht, 27 November 2018
Law of large numbers and LDP for the Random Walk in the Cooling Random Environment
da Costa, R., Groningen Probability Seminar, The Netherlands, 1 February 2018
From Reaction-Diffusion models to the study of Stochastic Differential equations
da Costa, R., Leiden Analysis seminar, The Netherlands, 21 March 2018Random walk in cooling random environment: ergodic limits and concentration inequalities
da Costa, R., Probability Seminar, KdVI Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7 June 2018From Reaction-Diffusion models to the study of Stochastic Differential equations
da Costa, R., UFBA Probability Seminar, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 15 August 2018
Random walk in cooling random environment: ergodic limits and concentration inequalities
da Costa, R., Probability Seminar, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29 August 2018On the strong law of large numbers for RWCRE under general ressampling maps
da Costa, R., Probability Seminar, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12 December 2018
Kapodistria, S., Stochastic Networks, Edinburgh, 2018
Spatial populations with seed-bank: Dichotomy and Duality of clustering versus coexistence
Oomen, M., Marc Kac seminar, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 6 April 2018
Spatial populations with seed-bank
Oomen, M., SPP colloquium Frankfurt, Germany, 4 October 2018
Spatial populations with seed-bank
Oomen, M., AG FAU Erlangen, Germany, 17 January 2018
Delta probing policies for redundancy
Raaijmakers, Y., 36th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (IFIP WG Performance 2018), Toulouse, France, 7 December 2018
Redundancy scheduling with scaled Bernoulli service requirements
Raaijmakers, Y., 2th Young European Queueing Theorists (YEQT), Toulouse, France, 3 December 2018
Redundancy scheduling with scaled Bernoulli service requirements
Raaijmakers, Y., European Conference on Queueing Theory (ECQT), Jerusalem, Israel, 3 July 2018
Estimating the input of a Lévy queue by Poisson sampling of the workload process
Ravner, L., International Workshop on Applied Probability, June 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Estimating the input of a Lévy queue by Poisson sampling of the workload process
Ravner, L., European Conference on Queueing Theory, July 2018, Jerusalem, Israel
Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence for Complex Networks
Roccaverde, A., ISI-NETWORKS Conference in Probability, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 29 January - 2 February 2018