Dr. Andrea Roccaverde
Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Boltzmann Equation.
Universiteit Leiden
Mathematisch Instituut
ISSC/W&I Snellius
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Email: a.roccaverde at math.leidenuniv.nl
Andrea Roccaverde received an M.Sc. in Mathematics from “University of Modena and Reggio Emilia” (Italy) in October 2014. The thesis was “Probabilistic representations for solutions to various Boltzmann-‐like equations with a finite state space”. On December 2014 he started a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Leiden University (the Netherlands). Currently he is working about the Ph.D project “Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks” co-‐supervised by Frank den Hollander and Diego Garlaschelli.