
PhD Defenses

  • PhD defense Oliver Nagy

    Oliver Nagy will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Approaching equilibrium in a dynamic network' on Thursday 16 January 2025. 


    Supervisors: Frank den Hollander (UL), Remco van der Hofstad (TU Eindhoven) and Luca Avena (Università Degli Studi Di Firenze)


    Time: 13.00 

    Location: Academy Building, Rapenburg 73, Leiden.


  • PhD defense Marta Milewska

    Marta Milewska will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Mathematical Insights into Epidemics: From Overdispersion to Dynamic Local Convergence' on Friday 10 January 2025. 


    Supervisors: Bert Zwart and Remco van der Hofstad 
    Time: 13:30 h
    Location: Room 0.710 of the Atlas building, Eindhoven University of Technology


    Download the full pdf of the thesis

  • PhD defense Manish Pandey

    Manish Pandey will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Centrality Measures and Connectivity Properties in Large Networks' on Wednesday 8 January 2025. 


    Promotors: Remco van der Hofstad and George Exarchakos

    Time: 16.00 

    Location: Room 0.710, Atlas Building (De Zaale, Eindhoven).


    Download here the full text of the thesis

  • PhD defense Tom Pijnappel

    Tom Pijnappel will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Optimal Deployment of Drone-Assisted Cellular Networks in Emergency Scenarios' on Thursday 13 June 2024. 


    Tom's supervisor is Sem Borst (TU Eindhoven).


    The PhD defense will start at 13.00 hrs in the Atlas Building (De Zaale, Eindhoven).


    Download here the full text of the thesis

  • PhD defense Rens Kamphuis

    Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 14.54.37 Rens Kamphuis will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Road Traffic Inference and Data-Driven Routing' on Monday 12 February 2024. 


    Rens' supervisors are Michel Mandjes (UvA) and Paulo d'Andrade Serra (VU Amsterdam).


    The PhD defense will start at 14.00 hrs in the Agnietenkapel in Amsterdam (Oudezijds Voorburgwal229 - 231).


  • PhD defense Nikki Levering

    Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 14.35.38Nikki Levering will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Modeling and control of congestion phenomena' on Friday 2 February 2024. 


    Supervisors: Sindo Nunez Queija (UvA), Michel Mandjes (UvA) and Marko Boon (TU/e).


    The PhD defense will start at 14.00 hrs in the Aula der Universiteit of the University of Amsterdam.


  • PhD defence Diego Goldsztajn

    Diego Goldsztajn will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Fluid limits and optimal task assignment policies for locally pooled service systems. ' on Friday 1 December 2023. 


    Diego's promotors are Sem Borst (TU Eindhoven) and Johan van Leeuwaarden (Tilburg University).


    The PhD defense will start at 11.00 hrs in the Atlas Building (De Zaale, Eindhoven).


    Download here the full text of the thesis

  • PhD defense Henk Alkema

    henkHenk Alkema will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Geometric TSP and related problems in (almost) low-dimensional spaces' on Tuesday 21 November 2023. 


    Henk's promotors are Mark de Berg and Remco van der Hofstad (TU Eindhoven) .


    The PhD defense will start at 16.00 hrs in the Atlas Building (De Zaale, Eindhoven).

  • PhD Defense Ruben Brokkelkamp

    coverrubenOn 21 September 2022 Ruben Brokkelkamp will defend his PhD Thesis titled 'How Close Does It Get?: From Near-Optimal Network Algorithms to Suboptimal Equilibrium Outcomes'. 


    Supervisors: prof. dr. G. Schäfer and prof. dr. U. Endriss.


    The PhD defense will start at 11.00 hrs in the Aula of the University of Amsterdam (Singel 411).

  • PhD Defense Rik Timmerman

    On 28 January 2022 at 16:00, Rik Timmerman (TU/e) will defend his PhD Thesis titled 'Performance analysis at the crossroad of queueing theory and road traffic'.


  • PhD Defense Farrokh Labib

    On 26 January 2022 at 10:00, Farrokh Labib (CWI) will defend his PhD Thesis titled 'Quasirandomness in quantum information theory'. Farrokh's PhD supervisor is Prof. H.M. Buhrman, the co-supervisor is Dr J. Briët.


  • PhD Defense Youri Raaijmakers

    On December 1st 2021, Youri Raaijmakers will defend his PhD thesis titled 'Job-Replication Trade-Offs'.


  • PhD Defense Margriet Oomen

    Margriet Oomen will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Spatial Populations with Seed-bank' on November 18th 2021.


  • PhD Defense Dániel Oláh

    On July 9th 2021, Dániel Oláh will defend his PhD thesis titled 'Reliable Geometric Spanners'.


  • PhD Defense Birgit Sollie

    Birgit Sollie will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Statistical inverse problems for population processes' on June 7th 2021.


  • PhD Defense Mark van der Boor

    On March 26th 2021, Mark van der Boor will defend his PhD thesis titled 'Hyper-Scalable Load Balancing'.


  • PhD Defense Jaap Storm

    Jaap Storm will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Stochastic traffic flow models. Asymptotic analysis, stability and applications' on February 2nd 2021.


  • PhD Defense Madelon de Kemp

    On December 15th Madelon de Kemp will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Performance bounds in stochastic scheduling problems'.


  • PhD Defense Matteo Sfragara

    Matteo Sfragara will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Wireless Random-Access Networks and Spectra of Random Graphs' on October 28th 2020.


  • PhD Defense Mariska Heemskerk

    On October 23rd Mariska Heemskerk will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Overdispersion in Service Systems'.


  • PhD Defense Viktoria Vadon

    Viktoria Vadon will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Local and global structure of networks with communities' on June 16th, 2020.


  • PhD Defense Lorenzo Federico

    Lorenzo Federico will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Phase transitions and connectivity in random graphs' on March 9th, 2020.


  • PhD Defense Bart Post

    Bart Post will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Load-driven self-organization of Radio-over-Fibre enabled dense cellular networks' on February 26th, 2020.


  • PhD Defense Tom Bannink

    On January 30th Tom Bannink will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Quantum and stochastic processes'.

  • PhD Defense Fiona Sloothaak

    Fiona Sloothaak will defend her PdD thesis entitled 'Criticality in power networks - a probabilistic approach' on January 16th, 2020.


  • PhD Defense Janusz Meylahn

    Janusz Meylahn will defend his PdD thesis entitled 'Stochastic resetting and hierarchical synchronization' on September 24th 2019.


  • PhD Defense Pieter Kleer

    On September 9th Pieter Kleer will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'When Nash met Markov: Novel results for pure Nash equilibira and the switch Markov Chain'.


  • PhD Defense Astrid Pieterse

    On September 4th Astrid Pieterse will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Tight Parameterized Preprocessing Bounds: Sparsification via Low-Degree Polynomials'.


  • PhD Defense Hakan Guldas

    Hakan Guldas will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Exploration on and of Networks' on July 3rd 2019.


  • PhD Defense Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak

    On June 27th Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'ETH-Tight Algorithms for Geometric Network Problems'.


  • PhD Defense Nicos Starreveld

    Nicos Starreveld will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Queues, random graphs, and queues on random graphs' on February 28th 2019.


  • PhD Defense David Koops

    On February 22nd David Koops will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Queueing Systems with Nonstandard Input Processes'.


  • PhD Defense Brendan Patch

    Brendan Patch will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Modelling complex stochastic systems: approaches to management and stability' on February 11th 2019.


  • PhD Defense Aleksandar Markovic

    On February 5th Aleksandar Markovic will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Dynamic range and frequency assignment problems'.


  • PhD Defense Clara Stegehuis

    On January 31st Clara Stegehuis will defend her PhD thesis entitled 'Networks with communities and clustering'.


  • PhD Defense Alessandro Garavaglia

    On January 29th Alessandro Garavaglia will defend his PhD thesis entitled ‘Preferential attachment models for dynamic networks’.


  • PhD Defense Murtuza Ali Abidini

    Murtuza will defend his PhD thesis titled 'Performance analysis of optical switches' on 24th of January, 2019.


  • PhD Defense Abhishek

    On January 22nd Abhishek will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Stochastic Models for Unsignalized Road Traffic Intersections'.

  • PhD Defense Andrea Roccaverde

    On December 5th Andrea Roccaverde will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Breaking of Ensemble for Complex Networks'.


  • PhD Defense Debankur Mukherjee

    On August 28th Debankur Mukherjee will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Scalable Load Balancing Algorithms in Networked Systems'.

    Debankur's promotors are Sem Borst and Johan van Leeuwaarden.


  • PhD Defense Souvik Dhara

    On August 28th Souvik Dhara will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Critical Percolation on Random Networks with Prescribed Degrees'.

    Souvik's promotors are Remco van der Hofstad and Johan van Leeuwaarden.

