
PhD Defense Nicos Starreveld

Nicos Starreveld will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Queues, random graphs, and queues on random graphs' on February 28th 2019.


Nicos StarreveldNicos' promotors are Michel Mandjes and René Bekker.


The PhD defense will take place in the Agnietenkapel (Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 - 231, 1012 EZ Amsterdam) and will start at 14:00 hrs.


As from September 2018 Nicos started as the main editor ot the online platform The Network Pages. Furthermore he has been working as academic skills coordinator at the Mathematics bachelor at UvA.


You can read the thesis here.

When: Thursday February 28th, 2019
Time: 14:00
Where: UvA


University of Amsterdam,
