
PhD Defense Bart Post

Bart Post will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Load-driven self-organization of Radio-over-Fibre enabled dense cellular networks' on February 26th, 2020.


Bart_PostBart's promotors are Ton Koonen and Sem Borst.


The PhD defense will start at 16:00 hrs and will take place at the Senaatszaal in the Auditorium of Eindhoven University of Technology.


Bart has started working as a junior consultant at CQM B.V. in Eindhoven. Bart is working in the planning group, which is mainly concerned with solving mathematical and plannning problems for customers.



Wireless networks have experienced immense growth in traffic loads over the last few years, putting yet greater strain on the capacity of wireless networks. A powerful approach to expand the capacity of networks is to deploy dense cellular networks so as to cover areas with high traffic density (hot spots), connected to a high-capacity fiber-optical backhaul network.  A crucial challenge in such networks is to optimize the performance and minimize the energy usage in the presence of highly dynamic user populations with diverse traffic characteristics.  Dynamic feeding of picocells by flexible routing of radio-over-fibre signals is foreseen as the enabling technology to address this challenge.  In this thesis we study and develop algorithms do for three key decisions: 1) which users should be associated with which access points, 2) which frequencies and optical wavelengths to allocate to the various active access points, and 3) which access points to activate and which ones to power off. The developed algorithms have a strong self-organizing property, allowing them to dynamically react to changing traffic conditions without explicit prior knowledge of the traffic characteristics. Moreover, extensive simulations show that our algorithms are very effective in balancing the load among the different access points, and significantly increase the user-perceived throughput and delay.


You can read the thesis here.



When: Wednesday February 26th, 2020
Time: 16:00
Where: TU/e

tue auditorium

TU/e Auditorium