PhD Defense Brendan Patch
Brendan Patch will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Modelling complex stochastic systems: approaches to management and stability' on February 11th 2019.
Brendan's promotors are Michel Mandjes and Thomas Taimre.
Since Brendan's degree will be a joint degree of the University of Amsterdam and the University of Queensland, Brendan will defend his thesis at the St. Lucia Campus of the University of Queensland, Australia.
New position: As from March 1st Brendan will take up a 2 year position as a Researcher at CWI working on mathematics of renewable energy systems.
Short abstract
Brendan's thesis uses and develops a variety of analytical and computational tools to study stochastic networks subject to congestion. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part focuses on networks where congestion results in queueing of work in the system. The second part focuses on networks where congestion results in balking or loss behaviour of work. Moment generating functions, scaling limits, and martingale methods are all used to establish novel results for these systems. Each part concludes with the development of a state of the art computational method for approaching interesting stability and management questions.