prof. dr. Hans L. Bodlaender
kernelization, treewidth, dynamic programming.
1. Department of Computer Science
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3594 CC Utrecht
The Netherlands
2. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Postbus 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Email: h.l.bodlaender at
Hans Bodlaender studied Mathematics at Utrecht University from 1978 till 1983. In 1986, he obtained his Ph.D. on a thesis titled: Distributed Computing - Structure and Complexity, at the Department of Computer Science of Utrecht University, under supervision of prof. dr. Jan van Leeuwen. In 1987, he was postdoc at M.I.T. and later that year returned as associate professor (UD) at Utrecht University. In June 2003, he became associate professor (UHD) in Utrecht.
1 November 2014, Hans Bodlaender became professor on Algorithms and Complexity at Utrecht University (8/10) and professor Network Algorithms at the Technical University Eindhoven (2/10). His work focuses on the study of algorithms and the complexity of computational problems, in particular for problems on graphs and networks.