

Mariska Heemskerk, MSc

Queueing theory, overdispersion, scaling limits and large deviations.


Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Korteweg-de Vries Instituut

Room F3.41
1090 GE Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Email: j.m.a.heemskerk at

Mariska Heemskerk received her BSc and MSc in Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam.

During her Master's degree she focused on stochastics, measure theory and stochastic integration.

Particulary interested in the theoretical background of mathematical tools, she is lucky to have found a topic that combines this with a healthy dose of application possibilities.

After having spent half a year to explore the topic during her Master's project, she has started her PhD project at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Michel Mandjes and Johan van Leeuwaarden in september 2015.

Her main research interests include queueing theory, overdispersion, scaling limits and large deviations.