In memoriam: Gerhard Woeginger
He was unassuming. He was nice. He could think. He could write. And he knew a lot. He died last Friday, April 1, 2022. His name was Gerhard Woeginger, a prolific computer scientist.
DDQC 2022: Optimization of Service Systems
From 21-23 September 2021, NETWORKS co-organised held the inaugural multicontinent workshop on Data Driven Queueing Systems. The program, comprising 18 talks over 2 days across multiple timezones, attracted 300 registrants from 25 countries.
The second multicontinent workshop will be held in April 2022 on the subject of Optimization of Service Systems.
Margriet Oomen obtains PhD Cum Laude
Margriet Oomen successfully defended her PhD thesis "Spatial Populations with Seed-Bank" at Leiden University on November 18, 2021. Frank den Hollander (Leiden University) and Andreas Greven (Erlangen-Nurnberg University) acted as promotors. The degree was awarded "cum laude".
In memoriam: Francesca Nardi
On October 21 2021, we received the sad news that Francesca Nardi passed away after a long illness. Francesca has always had a close relationship with the Netherlands, and with Eindhoven in particular.
Royal distinction for Professor Ton Koonen
On Firday 24th of September Professor Ton Koonen received a royal distinction during the symposium Optican Networks preceding his valedictory lecture: he has been made Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion.
€1.0 million COFUND grant for postdoc positions
After receiving the COFUND grant from the Horizon 2020 programme for 14 PhD positions, NETWORKS has been granted a COFUND grant of €1.0 million to appoint 14 postdoctoral researchers for 2 years.
Vici grant for Johan van Leeuwaarden: Balancing load in the 'cloud'
Johan van Leeuwaarden (TU/e and UvT) has been awarded an NWO Vici grant for research into algorithms in the 'cloud'. The Vici grant amounts to 1.5 million euros and will enable him to develop an innovative line of research and set up his own research group in the coming five years.
Remco van der Hofstad member of the KNAW Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering
Remco van der Hofstad has become a member of the KNAW Raad voor de Natuur- en Technische Wetenschappen (Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering).
Team with Ruben Brokkelkamp wins 3rd prize at PACE 2020
Ruben Brokkelkamp and his UvA team members Raymond van Venetië, Jan Westerdiep and Mees de Vries won the 3rd prize at the PACE (Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments) Challenge 2020 in the exact track.
Pieter Kleer wins Gijs de Leve Prize
Pieter Kleer, former NETWORKS PhD student, has been awarded the Gijs de Leve Prize 2018-2020. He received the prize on 22 January 2021 on the occasion of the annual congress of the LNMB, the Dutch Network on the Mathematics of Operations Research. In awarding Pieter Kleer this prestigious prize, the jury recognized his PhD thesis as the 'best PhD thesis in the area of Mathematics of Operations Research defended in the last three years'.