Souvik Dhara wins Stieltjes Prize
Souvik Dhara, who was awarded his PhD with distinction at the TU/e last year, has been awarded the Stieltjes Prize for the best mathematics PhD thesis of 2018 in the Netherlands. Souvik, now a Schramm postdoctoral fellow at MIT Mathematics and Microsoft Research Lab New England, defended his thesis entitled ”Critical percolation on random networks with prescribed degrees” under the supervision of Remco van der Hofstad and Johan van Leeuwaarden.
Frank den Hollander receives Humboldt Research Award
Frank den Hollander has received the Humboldt Research Award at a ceremony for the Humboldt award winners on 29 March 2019 in Bamberg. He was nominated by two German colleagues with whom he is working together for an extensive period of time. ‘The award was a complete surprise to me.'
Sem Borst new scientific director Eurandom
As from April 1, 2019 Eurandom has a new scientific director: Prof.dr.ir. S.C. (Sem) Borst.
NETWORKS goes to school 2019
by Nicos Starreveld
On 14 and 21 March 2019 a masterclass event on networks and their applications was organized by the NETWORKS program at the Technical University of Eindhoven and at Leiden University. This two-day event was intended for secondary education students and teachers who want to broaden their scientific horizons by having a glimpse into state of the art mathematical research.
Bart Jansen wins teaching award
The study association for Computer Science and Mathematics at the TU Eindhoven (GEWIS) awarded the Teaching Award 2018 in Computer Science to Bart Jansen for his excellent contribution to education.
Cum laude distinction for Clara Stegehuis
Clara Stegehuis received the cum laude distinction for her PhD thesis entitled "Networks with Communities and Clustering". The thesis contributes to the active area of large complex networks, in particular the probabilistic analysis of such networks through random graphs.
'NETWORKS goes to school' introduces school students to networks science
In 2018 NETWORKS organised a very succesful masterclass on networks and their applications for secondary school students with the title 'NETWORKS goes to school'. This week, NETWORKS published the collection of contributions with an extensive introduction.
Humboldt Research Award for Frank den Hollander
Frank den Hollander has been awarded a Humboldt Research Award by the Humboldt Foundation. He has been nominated by Andreas Greven (Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg) and Anton Bovier (Universität Bonn). This award is valued at €60,000.
Special issue of Journal of Statistical Physics devoted to Complex Networks
A special issue of the Journal of Statistical Physics that has been published recently is devoted to Complex Networks. Editors of this special issue are Diego Garlaschelli, Remco van der Hofstad, Frank den Hollander and Michel Mandjes.
Watch the presentations of the KNAW Symposium on Networks online!
by Nicos Starreveld
In the evening of 16 October a wonderful symposium on Networks took place in the public library of Amsterdam. The symposium was organized by Ella Uijtdewilligen (Dutch Academy of Sciences), Michel Mandjes (University of Amsterdam) and Frank den Hollander (Leiden University).