RESIM 2014, 27-29 August 2014
Location: TInbergen Instituut, Amsterdam
Date: 27-29 August 2014
Organizers: Dr. A. RIdder (VU Amsterdam)
Number of participants: 38
RESIM 2014 is the 10th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation. It covered all aspects of rare event simulation ranging from purely theoretical developments to practical applications.
The objective of the RESIM Workshops is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners working in different locations and on different applications to present recent results, exchange ideas, and discuss open problems and new directions.
The workshop was held at the Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 27-29, 2014.
General chair: Ad Ridder (EOR; Vrije University Amsterdam)
Program chair: Michel Mandjes (KdVI; University of Amsterdam)
Workshop Topics
RESIM 2014 solicited talks on rare event simulation methodologies and applications, including the following list of topics
Applications and Models
More information
More information and the slides of the presentation can be found on the website of Resim 2014