Prof.dr. Michel Mandjes, project leader, main applicant
Stochastic networks, queueing theory, stochastic processes, operations research, large deviations, simulation, performance.
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Korteweg-de Vries Instituut
1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email: M.R.H.Mandjes at uva.nl |
website: http://www.cwi.nl/~michel/
Michel Mandjes received M.Sc. degrees in mathematics and econometrics from the Free University
in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) in 1993, and he received a Ph.D. in Operations Research from the
same university in 1996. Currently he is a full professor at the University of Amsterdam, after having
been a member of technical staff at Bell Labs (Murray Hill, New Jersey), a full professor of stochastic
operations research at the University of Twente, and department head at CWI in Amsterdam. He was
visiting professor at Stanford University and Columbia University. His main research interests are in
stochastic processes, queueing processes, efficient simulation techniques, and applications in
communication networks and finance. He is the author of two books (a single-authored book on
Gaussian queues, published by Wiley, and a coauthored book on Levy Fluctuation Theory and
Queues, published by Springer), and he has published about 225 papers in journal proceedings and
conferences. Michel Mandjes was program chair of several leading conferences (INFORMS Applied
Probability, Stochastic Networks), and he serves on the editorial board of five journals.