
Preprints 2017


  • Minimum Perimeter-Sum Partitions in the Plane
    Abrahamsen, M., de Berg, M., Buchin, K., Mehr, M., Mehrabi, A.D.
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  • Range-Clustering Queries
    Abrahamsen, M., de Berg, M., Buchin, K., Mehr, M., Mehrabi, A.D.
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  • The European Quantum Technologies Roadmap
    Acín, A., Bloch, I., Buhrman, H., Calarco, T., Eichler, C., , Eisert, J., Esteve, D., Gisin, N., Glaser, S., Jelezko, F., Kuhr, S., Lewenstein, M., Riedel, M., Schmidt, P., Thew, R., Wallraff, A., Walmsley, I., Wilhelm, F.
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  • Analysis of structured Markov processes
    Adan, I., van Leeuwaarden, J., Selen, J.
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  • A queueing system with vacations after a random amount of work
    Adan, I., Boxma, O., Claeys, D., Kella, O.
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  • Approximate and exact solutions of intertwining equations through random spanning forests
    Avena, L., Castell, F., Gaudillière, A., Melot, C.
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  • Switch chain mixing times through triangle counts
    Bannink, T., van der Hofstad, T., Stegehuis, C.
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  • Weighted k-server bounds via combinatorial dichotomies
    Bansal, N., Eliáš, M., Koumoutsos, G.
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  • Competitive algorithms for generalized k-server in uniform metrics
    Bansal, N., Eliáš, M., Koumoutsos, G., Nederlof, J.
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  • Nested convex bodies are chaseable
    Bansal, N., Böhm, M., Eliáš, M., Koumoutsos, G., Umboh, S.W.
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  • The Gram-Schmidt walk: a cure for the Banaszczyk blues
    Bansal, N., Dadush, D., Garg, S., Lovett, S.
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