

  • Back-to-School day Lunteren

    Jointly with Gregor Brandt (ORTEC), Michel Mandjes has organized the "Back to school day", which is part of the annual Dutch operations research conference.


  • NETWORKS launches new website

    As part of the NETWORKS project a “the Network Pages” has been launched.


  • NETWORKS forges new international relationships

    In the past year, NETWORKS has forged connections with the University of Bath (United Kingdom) and with ACEMS (Australia) in the interest of advancing international collaboration. Last Tuesday representatives of  NETWORKS and the University of Bath met each other to explore the possibilities for collaboration.


  • First NETWORKS Training Week a big success

    From August 24—28 the first Networks Training Week took place in Woudschoten, a beautiful conference center in the center of the Netherlands, near Zeist. In total 41 PhD students, postdocs and faculty members gathered to hear Mark de Berg and Remco van der Hofstad lecture on computational geometry and on random graphs.


  • Michel Mandjes and Johan van Leeuwaarden guest editors of Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde

    The September edition of 'Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde' with the theme of 'Netwerken' (Networks) was realized by guest editors Michel Mandjes (UvA and project leader of the NETWORKS programme) and Johan van Leeuwaarden (TU/e).

  • Johan van Leeuwaarden Lecturer at 'Universiteit van Nederland'

    In the footsteps of Harry Buhrman, Johan van Leeuwaarden will shortly be giving lectures at the 'Universiteit van Nederland', a broadcasted platform where leading full professors bring their discipline to a wide public.


  • New book by Michel Mandjes

    After quite a few years of hard work, the book "Queues and Lévy Fluctuation Theory" by NETWORKS' main applicant Michel Mandjes (co-authored by K. Debicki) appeared (Springer Verlag).

    The book gives a broad overview on the theory of queues with Lévy input, with emphasis on fluctuation-theoretic quantities, asymptotic techniques and the analysis of feedforward networks.


  • Frank den Hollander concerned about leading scientists leaving the country

    More and more scientists leave the Netherlands for leading functions abroad. Frank den Hollander of the project team of NETWORKS and member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences rings the alarm bell in the journal 'de Volkskrant' of 30 September 2015.

  • Jakob de Vlieg new member of supervisory board

    As per 1 September 2015, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has appointed prof. dr. Jakob de Vlieg as dean of the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science. De Vlieg succeeds prof.dr. Emile Aarts who became rector of Tilburg University on 1 June. With this appointment he also succeeds Emile Aarts as a member of the NETWORKS supervisory board.


  • Vote for Johan van Leeuwaarden

    On Tuesday 18 August 2015, 25 scientists from the Netherlands and Flanders were nominated for the 'New Scientist Wetenschapstalent 2015-verkiezing'.
    One of them is mathematician Johan van Leeuwaarden, who is affiliated to NETWORKS.