

  • NWO TOP Grant for Frank den Hollander and Frank Redig

    Frank den Hollander (Leiden) and Frank Redig (Delft) have been awarded a TOP Grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

  • Vici grant for Nikhil Bansal

    Nikhil Bansal has been awarded a Vici grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). With the 1.5 million euro grant, Bansal can develop his own research lines in the next five years. The Vici subsidy is one of the largest research grants in the Netherlands.


  • ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Ton Koonen

    Ton Koonen has received a Proof of Concept Grant from the European Research Council in December 2017 for BROWSE_PLUS: Beam-steered Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless System for Energy-efficient communication – Proving the Concept.

  • 50 participants at first ISI-NETWORKS workshop in Kolkata, India

    Together with the Indian Statistical Institute, NETWORKS organised a workshop in Kolkata, which took place 29 January - 2 February 2018. Some 40 researchers from ISI attended, and 10 researchers from NETWORKS. The focus of the workshop was on complex networks, random matrices and interacting stochastic systems.

  • Australian ARC Discovery Grant for Michel Mandjes

    Michel Mandjes was, jointly with Jerzy Filar, Thomas Taimre and Yoni Nazarathy (the University of Queensland) and Vivek Borkar (IIT Mumbai), awarded an Australian ARC Discovery grant.


  • Bart Jansen and Astrid Pieterse win Best Paper award at IPEC 2017

    Bart Jansen (Assistant Professor) and Astrid Pieterse (PhD student) won the "Excellent Student Paper Award" at the 12th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2017) in Vienna, Austria, with their paper "Optimal Data Reduction for Graph Coloring Using Low-Degree Polynomials".


  • Winners PACE challenge 2017

    In 2017, the second edition of the Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments (PACE) challenge was organized, which was sponsored by NETWORKS. Click here to found out who the winners are.


  • Bart Jansen and Astrid Pieterse win Best Paper award at MFCS 2016

    Astrid Pieterse

    Bart Jansen

    Bart Jansen (Assistant Professor) and Astrid Pieterse (PhD student) from the Eindhoven University of               Technology (Algorithms group) won the Best Paper award at the Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2016 in Krakow, Poland, with their paper ‘Optimal sparsification for some binary CSPs using low-degree polynomials’. They won 300 euro, sponsored by the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS).


  • Frank den Hollander guest on Indian radio show

    All the way in Mumbai, Frank den Hollander (Leiden University) appeared on the radio show SynTalk, where he talked about  "The Faces Of Connectedness". Find out more here and listen to his interview.

  • Scottish honorary doctorate for Onno Boxma

    The Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh has conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Science to Onno Boxma, full professor of Stochastic Operations Research in the TU/e department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Sergey Foss, full professor of Applied Probability, and current Editor-in-Chief of the Queuing Systems journal, is Boxma’s honorary tutor.