Frank den Hollander guest on Indian radio show
All the way in Mumbai, Frank den Hollander (Leiden University) appeared on the radio show SynTalk, where he talked about "The Faces Of Connectedness". Find out more here and listen to his interview.
Can connectedness be measured? How do books, knowledge, money, voice and commodities circulate? What is the topological structure of the internet? What are the effects of media? Are there limits to how large networks can be? Are all large networks hierarchical? Is your memory layered? Why can networks be made to crash by overloading? What causes climate change? Does everything influence everything? Will the networks become intelligent?
These are just a few of the many questions that SynTalk thinks about and addresses using concepts from mathematics and media studies. Professor Frank den Hollander (Leiden University) shares his thoughts from the mathematics point of view and professor Ravi Sundaram (CSDS, New Delhi) weighs on the matter with his expertise in media studies.
Listen to the interview through this link.