Dr. Linda Cook
structural graph theory, coloring, forbidden induced subgraphs, (distributed) graph algorithms, chi-boundedness
University of Amsterdam
Korteweg-de Vries Institute
1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Linda Cook is a postdoc at University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Ross Kang.
She is interested in structural graph theory and its algorithmic applications. Lately she has been particularly excited about graph coloring, forbidding induced subgraphs and distributed graph algorithms. Broadly, Linda is interested in discrete math and its applications.
Linda obtained my PhD from the Program for Applied and Computational Math at Princeton University in May 2021. Paul Seymour was her advisor. Her Phd thesis is On recognition algorithms and structure of graphs with restricted induced cycles. From August 2021- July 2024, she was a postdoc in the Discrete Mathematics Group at the Institute of Basic Sciences in Daejeon, South Korea which is led by Sang-il Oum.