Nikki Levering, MSc
Stochastic networks, Statistics, Queueing Theory, Data Analysis
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Korteweg-de Vries Instituut
Room F3.29
1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email: n.a.c.levering at uva.nl
Nikki received a bachelor's degree in Mathematics (2017) and a master's degree in Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (2019), both at the University of Amsterdam. Her master's degree was completed with her master thesis titled 'Functional form optimization for invasive species management'.
She has started as a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Sindo Nunez Queija, Michel Mandjes and Marko Boon in 2019, working on a project about optimal routing strategies in road traffic networks.