Tygo Nijsten, MSc
Optimization, Operations Research, Stochastic Networks, Mathematical Modelling
University of Amsterdam
Korteweg-de Vries Institute
1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Email: t.g.c.nijsten at uva.nl
Tygo Nijsten received his bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science (2021) and his master's degree in Mathematics and Econometrics (2023), both at the University of Amsterdam. His master's thesis is titled "Optimizing Parking Capacities in Urban Areas".
From September 2023, he will start as a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam and TNO under the supervision of Jan-Pieter Dorsman (UvA), Michel Mandjes (UvA/UL), Maaike Snelder (TNO/TUD), and Erwin Walraven (TNO), working on a project about the optimization of traffic networks.