Agnieszka Janicka MSc
Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Networks, Mathematical Modelling and Optimization
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
The Netherlands
Email: a.j.janicka at tue.nl
Agnieszka was born in Poland where she completed her high school education. Afterward, she moved to the Netherlands where she obtained her Bachelor's and Master's diplomas in Industrial and Applied Mathematics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In her Master’s thesis, she studied congestion in tandem fluid queues with heavy-tailed arrivals under the supervision of prof. Bert Zwart. In September 2022, Agnieszka started a PhD position at Eindhoven University of Technology, under the supervision of Fiona Sloothaak, PhD and prof. Maria Vlasiou. Her current research is focused on cascading failures in stochastic networks.