Dr. Sudeshna Kolay
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Email: s.kolay at tue.nl
Website: personal page
Sudeshna Kolay completed her Bachelor in Science Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Chennai Mathematical Institute, India in the year 2011. After that, she joined the integrated PhD programme in Theoretical Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India. She pursued her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Saket Saurabh, mainly concentrating on studying covering and packing problems in the parameterized complexity paradigm. The title of her PhD thesis is "Parameterized Complexity of Graph Partitioning and Geometric Covering". After completion of her PhD, she joined TU Eindhoven and the Networks group as a postdoc in January 2017, and has been working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mark de Berg.
Currently, she is looking into finding efficient exact/parameterized algorithms for geometric variants of networks-related problems like TSP and Steiner tree.