Marjolein de Vries, MSc
Universiteit van Leiden
Mathematisch Instituut
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden
Email: m.j.de.vries at biology.leidenuniv.nl
Marjolein de Vries received a MSc in Human Aspects of Information Technology from Tilburg University and a MSc in Computer Science from Utrecht University. In her PhD project, she focuses on the usage of Citizen Science for mathematics research on Human Networks. Citizen Science is a term used for research for which non-scientists (‘citizens’) help collect data. The PhD is carried out both at Leiden University (Science Communication, Ionica Smeets & Anne Land) and Eindhoven University of Technology (Mathematics, Johan van Leeuwaarden). The PhD project focuses on two goals: 1) studying the possibilities of using Citizen Science projects as a method for creating better understanding of mathematics research, 2) using data from Citizen Science projects for computational analysis on the structure of Human Networks.