

Matteo Sfragara, MSc

Graph theory and random graphs, stochastic processes, Markov chains, Probability theory.


Universiteit van Leiden

Mathematisch Instituut

Niels Bohrweg 1

2333 CA Leiden

Matteo Sfragara obtained his bachelor degree at Università degli Studi di Padova in July 2013. He got his master degree at Università degli Studi di Padova in December 2015, which included a year abroad at Stockholm University as Erasmus student and a semester abroad at the University of New South Wales in Sydney to write his thesis "The switch Markov chain for sampling irregular directed graphs" with prof Catherine Greenhill.

Matteo has also been working for few months as an IT consulent for Accenture.

He is starting his Phd in September 2016 with prof. Frank de Hollander, Sem Borst and Francesca Nardi on metastability in random-access wireless networks and optimal protocols for switching rates between active and non-active servers in random-access networks.