Birgit Sollie, MSc
VU University Amsterdam
Department of Mathematics
De Boelelaan 1081a
1081 HV Amsterdam
Email: b.sollie at vu.nl
Birgit received her BSc and MSc in Mathematics at the VU Amsterdam. During her master’s degree she specialized in stochastic processes, statistics and mathematical biology. These specializations perfectly suit her research project in which these three facets come together.
After exploring the research topic for half a year during her master’s project, she started the PhD project in September 2015 at the VU Amsterdam under the supervision of Mathisca de Gunst (VU), Bartek Knapik (VU) and Michel Mandjes (UvA).
Currently she works on a parameter estimation problem for the Markov-modulated infinite-server queue, which can be used as a model for regulated transcription and mRNA degradation in cells.