Bart Post, MSc
Eindhoven University of Technology
Metaforum building, 4.067
P.O. Box 513
The Netherlands
Email: b.post at tue.nl
Bart received his BSc in mathematics at the University of Utrecht and his MSc in applied mathematics at Eindhoven University of Technology. His master thesis was on “Optimizing and verifying disjoint paths in ISP networks”, in cooperation with TNO. Following his interest in the theory and structure of (all types of) networks, Bart started his PhD in November 2014, working on “Dynamic resource allocation and user association in pico-cell networks” under the supervision of prof. dr. ir. Sem Borst, prof. ir. Ton Koonen and Prof. dr. ing. Gerhard Woeginger.
Within the scope of his project, Bart is currently focusing on designing and analysing load balancing algorithms for user association in pico-cell networks. The performances of these algorithms are tested using computer simulations. In addition, Bart is building theoretical proofs showing that the algorithms find an optimal association strategy.