8th Workshop on Flexible Network Design
Location: VU, Amsterdam
Date: 4-8 July 2016
Organizer: Leen Stougie
Number of participants: 81
The 8th edition of Flexible Network Design (FND) was held at the VU in Amsterdam from July 4 till July 8. The series of workshops is characterized by having participation by invitation only, but without any keynote speakers.
In total there were 40 lectures. On Monday an interesting open problem session was scheduled. Parts of the afternoons were scheduled for discussions, which people indeed used to collaborate.
The Netherlands and especially the Amsterdam research centres benefitted from having FND in the Netherlands. There were several researchers who just came over for one or two days, for parts of the program of their choice.
Social programme
A reception on Monday night at Museumplein and a boat-trip combined with a conference dinner at the NDSM-wharfs formed the social program. The participants have been offered bicycles for their local transportation. This has been highly appreciated and gave the workshop an everlasting memory to the participants.