
Scheduling under uncertainty

Location: EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Date: 1-5 June 2015
Organizers: Nikhil Bansal (TU/e), Sem Borst (TU/e), Leen Stougie (VU Amsterdam), Gerhard Woeginger (TU/e)

Number of participants: 75



The central aim of the workshop was to bring together and promote the dialog and collaboration between researchers in two different communities: the stochastic scheduling and networking community, and the worst-case approximation scheduling community. Both these communities consider mathematical and algorithmic problems motivated by resource allocation, scheduling shared resources, load balancing and speed scaling in large-scale systems. However, the specific problems studied and the techniques used to address them are very different. The workshop brought together experts in both these areas, especially researchers who span both these communities, and helped foster links by identifying problem areas of mutual interest and encouraging lively interaction and discussions.



The scientific programme featured keynote presentations and tutorials: by four highly distinguished researchers:

  • Kamesh Munagala (Duke University)
  • Kirk Pruhs (University of Pittsburgh)
  • R. Srikant (UIUC)
  • Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley)

In addition the programme included seventeen invited presentations.


For more information about the workshop and the participants visit the website of Eurandom