WAW 2015
Location: EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Date: 7-11 December 2015
Organizers: David F. Gleich (Purdue University), Júlia Komjáthy (Eindhoven University of Technology), Nelly Litvak (University of Twente), Yana Volkovich (Eurecat - Technology Centre, (School Chair)
Number of participants: 83
The 12-th edition in the series of Workshop on Algorithms and Models for Web graphs (WAW2015) took place at EURANDOM, Eindhoven, 7-11 December 2015.
Analyzing data as graphs has transitioned from a minor subfield into a major industrial effort over the past 20 years. The World Wide Web was responsible for much of this grow and the Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-graph (WAW) originally started by trying to understand the behavior and processes underlying the web. It has since outgrown these roots and WAW is now one of the premier venues for original research work that blends rigorous theory and experiments in analyzing data as a graph.
The programme consisted of:
School on complex networks and graph models, 7-8 December
About 40 young researchers, mostly PhD students from all over the world, participated in the school.
There were three tutorials:
- Tobias Müller (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) Random Geometric Graphs.
- Dean Eckles (MIT, USA) Statistical and Causal Inference in Social Networks.
- David Gleich together with Kyle Kloster (Purdue University, USA). Local diffusion algorithms for fast, personalized graph applications.
Collaboration day, 9 December
The collaboration day was a new form of activity. There were no scheduled activities. Participants had a possibility to freely discuss with each other. About 15-20 people participated, they had both spontaneous and planned discussions.
WAW2015 workshop, 10-11 December
The workshop included 15 contributed refereed papers, the proceedings were published in Springer’s LNCS series and were available at the workshop. The talks covered a large variety of topics, from theoretical results on random graphs to data analysis on Twitter. The talks were grouped by similar topics in coherent sessions.
The workshop was attended by top researchers on networks both in mathematics and computer science.
There were three one-hour keynote talks.
- Paul Van Dooren (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium) – Judging the judges: iterative filtering and dynamic reputation systems.
- Mariana Olvera-Cravioto (Columbia University, USA) – Distances, clustering and PageRank on the directed configuration model.
- Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven University of technology, the Netherlands) – Scale-free percolation