Workshop 'Random Walks on Random Graphs and Applications'
Location: EURANDOM, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Date:14-16 April 2015
Organizers: Colin Cooper (King’s College, London), Remco van der Hofstad (EURANDOM, TU Eindhoven), Tim Hulshof (TU Eindhoven)
Number of participants: 60
The purpose of the workshop was to bring together researchers working on the interaction between random processes and random graphs.
In more detail, the workshop revolved around the analysis of discrete random processes on random graph models, such as random walks, voting, information dissemination by randomized broadcasting, bootstrap percolation and interacting particle systems, as well as self-modifying random networks. Further, the workshop also considered the practical application to algorithmic aspects of networks, such as organization of, and search and ranking in, large networks.
The topics of the workshop are of great practical interest, since many modern phenomena and systems can be modeled as (random) processes on random networks (e.g., internet search algorithms or the spreading of an infectious disease through a population). Moreover, these topics are also of a more abstract, scientific interest, since these models are very fundamental examples of various universal phenomena (e.g., phase transitions or spectral properties of graphs). As many of these processes are non-standard, and require novel methods of analysis, which makes for challenges and the development of novel techniques.
The workshop program consisted of two types of talks: overview talks of approximately an hour, about a general topic and presented by a world expert on that topic, and current research talks of approximately half an hour, about new developments.
Speakers were encouraged to give a talk that was accessible to an audience with a broad spectrum of different interests and backgrounds. Many of the talks focused on developing topics, and about which PhD students could easily engage in further research, as is an aim of these workshops.
The workshop was part of a thematic month on Random Walks in Random Environment, held at EURANDOM in March-April 2015.
The number of participants was considerable for a workshop on this topic, with approximately 60 registered participants. There was strong international representation, with participants from all parts of Europe, South America, North America, Asia, and Australia. Talks were given by speakers at all levels in their career structure from post-graduate to full professor. Several of the speakers are leading proponents of the subject area. There were also talks by researchers currently working in industry.
As was our intention, the participants came from very diverse backgrounds, ranging from very applied to very theoretical, and from both computer science and mathematics.
More information
The programme and abstracts can be found on the webpage of Eurandom