YEP XII Workshop: Random Walks in Random Environment
Date: March 23 - March 27, 2015
Location: Eurandom, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Organizers: Alexander Drewitz (Columbia University)
Markus Heydenreich (Universitat Munchen)
Number of participants: 52
This was the 12th workshop in the highly successful Young European Probabilists
(YEP) workshop series hosted at Eurandom. It formed part of the Stochastic Activity Month at
Eurandom on Random Walk in Random Environment and has been organized by Alexander Drewitz and Markus Heydenreich.
The workshop consisted of 3 mini courses, each of 3 times 1.5 hours, and of various talks of 35 minutes each, by both, junior and more experienced researchers in the field.
The workshop hosted 46 participants, which shows the relevance of the topic and attractivity within
the research community.
Following the tradition, this 12th YEP workshop gave young probabilists ample opportunity to expand their network and gain international experience. Further, for many of the young participants, the mini-courses provide a spring school through which they benetted to a much larger extent from the senior workshops that followed it in the above-named framework of the Stochastic Activity Month.
The workshop featured three minicourses by world leading experts in the eld of random walk in random environment:
- Noam Berger (Munich): The strongly ballistic phase for random walk in random environment
- David Croydon (Warwick): Scaling limits of random walks on critical random trees and graphs
- Vladas Sidoravicius (Rio de Janeiro): Random walks in dynamic environment - mutual interaction case.
More information
The programme and abstracts can be found on the webpage of Eurandom
Final programme: download pdf