Second place at PACE for Hans Bodlaender and Tom van der Zanden
On 24 August 2016 Hans Bodlaender and Tom van der Zanden (University of Utrecht) were awarded a 2nd place in the PACE challenge. The award was given to them in Aarhus, Denmark during the 11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2016), which is part of the larger ALGO 2016 week of co-located conferences and workshops.
The challenge consisted of two tracks:
Track A: the Tree Width Problem
Track A had a broad scope including the call for algorithms that may solve the problem heuristically and for generators of hard instances.
Track B: the Feedback Vertex Set Problem
Track B aimed for fixed-parameter algorithms that need to solve the Feedback Vertex Set problem exactly and has a fixed evaluation criterion.
Bodlaender and van der Zanden won the prize of € 125,- in Track A: computing treewidth optimally with a sequential algorithm.
The goal of the Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge (PACE) is to investigate the applicability of algorithmic ideas studied and developed in the subfields of
multivariate, fine-grained, parameterized, or fixed-parameter tractable algorithms