Structural funding for QuSoft
On 3 December 2015 QuSoft, the first research center dedicated to quantum software, was launched. It is a joint initiative of UvA, CWI, and VU, and will be located at Amsterdam Science Park. QuSoft complements the research conducted by QuTech, which focuses on the development of quantum hardware, and thus strengthens the position of Amsterdam and the Netherlands in world-class quantum information research.
QuSoft started life as the brainchild of Harry Buhrman, Algorithms and Complexity Group Leader at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Professor of Computer Science at University of Amsterdam (UvA). Buhrman and Kareljan Schoutens, Professor of Theoretical Physics at UvA, will constitute the directorate of the new center that builds on these institutions' excellent track record in quantum computing and quantum information. Together they will lead its mission to develop new protocols, algorithms and applications that can be run on small and medium-sized prototypes of a quantum computer.
In December 2015 the Executive Board of the UvA decided to award the QuSoft initiative by structural funding through UvA's research priority area programme, in addition to investments by CWI and VU Amsterdam. The new center will be hosted by CWI, located at Amsterdam Science Park.