Frits Spieksma elected President Elect of EURO
Frits Spieksma (TU/e) was recently elected President Elect of EURO - the Association of European Operational Research Societies. He will succeed the current president, Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel, at the end of her term.
EURO is a regional grouping within IFORS, the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. EURO aims to promote Operational Research throughout Europe. Its affairs are regulated by a Council consisting of representatives of all its members and an Executive Committee which constitutes its board of directors. The members of EURO are normally full members of IFORS and comprise the national Operational Research (OR) societies of countries, most of whom are located within Europe. Council meetings are typically held annually, normally in conjunction with the EURO-k or IFORS conferences.
Source: TU/e