NETWORKS goes to school 2020 - Announcement
It is almost time for the annual masterclass on network science organized by the NETWORKS program!
This masterclass on the mathematics of networks is held in English and hence suitable for international schools as well. The masterclass will be held twice, on the 19th of March at the Eindhoven University of Technology and the second one on the 26st of March at Leiden University.
The program will consist of lectures, exercise sessions, discussions and interactive group activities. The speakers for NETWORKS goes to school 2020 are Rens Kamphuis (University of Amsterdam) and Youri Raaijmakers (Eindhoven University of Technology).
Rens is going to speak about optimal route selection in a road traffic network. Youri is going to speak about the performance of queueing systems under various service disciplines and their applications.
Intended for secondary school students
The aim of the event is to introduce secondary school students with an interest in mathematics to mathematics education at a university and to provide them further deepening in their mathematical knowledge. The previous masterclasses “NETWORKS goes to school” were a big success. All the material will be gathered in a self-contained booklet which can be used after the masterclass by teachers in the classroom or by students who want to have a glimpse into networks science! The booklet will be distributed to the students at the masterclass. More information and the material from the previous masterclasses can be found on the Network Pages.