Looking back on the 9th NETWORKS day
On September 19, the 9th NETWORKS day took place on a beautiful sunny day in the botanical gardens of Leiden.
True to the nature of NETWORKS there was a wide variety of topics represented in the scientific
program. Iman van Lelyveld (De Nederlandse Bank and VU) spoke about network effects in the world financial system, Nikhil Bansal (CWI and TU/e) on algorithmic techniques for rounding linear programs, Yorgos Amanatidis (CWI) on fair and envy-free division in algorithmic game theory, Leen Stougie (CWI and VU), who will join NETWORKS as a PI, introduced himself and his research on algorithmic problems in biological networks, Shankar Bhamidi (University of North Carolina)
spoke on statistical models for networks, and Sindo Nunez Queija (UvA) spoke on queuing systems for traffic control.
Lively discussions ensued during the breaks and the day was wrapped up with guided tours through the spectacular 400-year old gardens.