
Second NETWORKS Interactive PhD colloquium

In February 2016 the first edition of the NETWORKS Interactive PhD colloquium took place, organized for PhDs and Postdocs. As this day was a huge success, there will be a follow-up in October 2016.


The goals of this day will again be:


  • To learn about other PhD projects in the NETWORKS community,
  • To initiate and improve collaborations between PhD's,
  • To gain experience in presenting.

For the second edition, 4 new speakers have been invited to organize an interactive session of approximately 60 minutes in which they will present a topic related to their work. The interaction may have many formats, ranging from exercises to open questions. There will be a good balance between algorithmic and stochastic topics; moreover, each session is aimed to be accessible for both the stochastic and algorithmic community within NETWORKS.


Confirmed speakers:

Abhishek (UvA)
Astrid Pieterse (TU/e)
Lorenzo Federico (TU/e)
Tom Bannink (CWI)


The day will consist of a day programme and an evening programme.

The day programme will take place at the following address:


  • Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, 1012 CN Amsterdam
    Room A0.08


The evening programme consists of a diner in:

  • Restaurant Kapitein Zeppos
    Gebed Zonder End 5, 1012 HS Amsterdam


Programme of the Second NETWORKS interactive PhD Colloquium


When: Friday October 21st, 2016
Time: 10:00 - 21:00
Where: Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, 1012 CN Amsterdam, room A0.08.


Alley to Restaurant Kapitein Zeppos