

One of the exciting aspects of NETWORKS is that it covers stochastic and algorithmic
aspects of networks. This provides a unique opportunity to educate young researchers in both
areas. All PhD students and postdocs will have their own topic of expertise, but the training
programme provided by Networks will give them a broad view on the mathematical aspects of
networks. The scientific training programme provided by NETWORKS comprises the following activities:


  • PhD programme. NETWORKS will offer a PhD training programme consisting of training weeks, mini courses and internships. 
  • Specialized workshops. Networks will organize two one-week specialized workshops each year, one within Network Structure and one within Network Shaping. Topics will follow latest developments. Workshops are open for PhD students, postdocs and staff..
  • NETWORKS days. Each year there will be a at least two general NETWORKS days, where all members of NETWORKS assemble. The goal of this day is to discuss progress, exchange ideas, plan new activities, foster collaboration, and target possible joint grant applications.
  • Major conferences. Every three years NETWORKS will organize a major international conference on networks, envisaged to attract 100 researchers worldwide.