
Networks subject of Summer Course for mathematics teachers 2016

The huge importance of networks and the great mathematical aspects related to this subject are emphasized again by the fact that this year ‘Networks’ are the subject of the 70th Summer Course for mathematics teachers, which will be organized by Platform Wiskunde Nederland on 26/27 August and 2/3 September 2016.


During this course lectures will be given about various mathematical aspects of networks: how to make good mathematical models of practical networks, how to analyze them, how to improve networks and how to optimize the use of them, for example in order to create time schedules for railway lines or how to find the shortest track to connect with all the province capitals in the Netherlands. The course will also involve stochastics and statistics as network-related skills.

The course is meant for high school teachers and teachers of schools for higher professional education and anyone else who is interested in the working of networks.


CWI Amsterdam will be the venue on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 August 2016. On Friday 2 and Saturday 3 September 2016 the sessions are planned at the Eindhoven University of Technology.


Lectures will be given by:


  • Prof. dr. J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Prof. Ir. A.M.J. Koonen, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Dr. J. Briët, CWI, Amsterdam
  • Dr. D.C. Gijswijt, Delft University of Technology
  • Prof. dr. ir. L.C. van der Gaag, University of Utrecht
  • Dr. F.M. Spieksma, Leiden University


For more information visit the website of Platform Wiskunde Nederland (in Dutch)